Monday, September 8, 2008

Ms. Jaycee McKenna a.k.a spit up queen!

I must say for all that know my daughter, you know she has a bit of a spit up problem.  Well, on August 30th, we were all going to a wedding.  I bought the kids new outfits to go and not thinking I did not buy a 'back-up' outfit for Jaycee.  I know she spits up on everything I ever put on her and I should of known better, but I didn't.  You see the wedding was at 7pm, so she normally eats at 5:30 or 6:00 every evening, and I knew I wanted to feed her before we left the house, so I fed her at 5:30 and I dressed her in her outfit before I fed her.  I thought I would be safe doing it that way, because if I would of fed her first and then immediately tried to change her into the wedding outfit I knew she would puke because I would of been jostling her to much, so I took my chances and dressed her before I fed her.  Let's just say that she was getting more and more inpatient with how long it was taking me to heat her baby food and heat her bottle while she screamed her head off in the high chair.  Literally she was only sitting in the chair for about 2 minutes, but you would of thought I had left her there for a half an hour.  In that short amount of time, she screamed louder and harder, until she started coughing, then choking, then puking all over her outfit and the floor and the high chair...  Needless to say, she wore something else to the wedding, and by the time the night was over, she had spit up on the new outfit no less than 4 times and twice on my white shirt that I wore.  It was a lovely pukey evening...  I will be so glad when these spitting up/reflux days are over.  I can't wait until I can dress her in cute outfits without the stinky bib and a burp cloth attached at her side.  Two days before the actual wedding on an evening when she wasn't so pukey, I tried the entire outfit on her and took a few pictures, so her is the outfit that she never wore to the wedding.  She loved the shoes I bought her, I think she was just trying to figure out what the heck I had put on her feet, since I don't ever put her in shoes.  I love her so much, but she is rotten already!!!

Heather Michelle Mitchell

My photo
Newburgh, Indiana, United States
This is our story. It is not fancy, or unique, or different from any other household really, but this is our way of doing this thing we call life.