Monday, May 26, 2008

Sears photos

Hey all!  I had some pictures taken of the kids at Sears two weeks ago.  I thought they turned out really good.  Jaycee is 4 months in them, and Broderick is 6.  The kids were so good for me, which made it easier on me, since we were there for over 2 hours.  Right before we got started, I told the photographer that Jaycee would smile really good for her, since she has been smiling and laughing so good for me.  Well, I definitely jinxed it because, all she wanted to do was look at her feet and the camera equipment.  Amazingly, the lady was able to get some good smiles out of her.  I will definitely be going back to Sears the rest of this year to get her pictures taken.  They did a good job and they were reasonable.  Talk to you all soon!  

1 comment:

The VanSickles said...

The pictures turned out really good! I like the one where Jacee has her fist near her face smiling and when the kids are looking at each other. It's so cute!

Heather Michelle Mitchell

My photo
Newburgh, Indiana, United States
This is our story. It is not fancy, or unique, or different from any other household really, but this is our way of doing this thing we call life.